The second opportunity to create your own kingdom is to capture the fortress. In fact, from the rebellion to the very end, you are the marshal of the rebel troops and after the faction is completely captured, the contender for the throne will disappear and become a full king, and you will become his right hand. After you agree to help the challenger to regain the throne, an internal war will begin in the faction, and depending on the relationship with the lords of the current faction, you will be able to win them over to your side, which will improve martial law in your favor. Applicants for the throne must be sought in the throne rooms. Usually such people travel to cities in search of support. To raise a rebellion, you need to find a contender for the throne.
Rebellion is the surest way to try to arrange civil war, to dethrone the king and take his place.
There are several ways to create your kingdom in Fire and Sword: Mutiny You can create a kingdom in absolutely any environment and version of M&B, but if you create in, you will have many more functions that, unfortunately, are not in simple Mount and blade.
Creation of a kingdom in Mount and blade- this is a very quick and simple matter, but keeping this kingdom afloat is a whole science! The best way to create a kingdom is with the help of mod.